Daytime Karate Class

Cheaper than a gym, intellectually stimulating, socially engaging

Friday Morning

Thanks for your interest in our group.

It’s very easy for busy parents to lose sight of their own goals and aspirations, feeling the need to “park” their own ambitions until the children are older. 

Whatever you set as your objective, be it increased fitness, weight loss, learning a new skill, new friends, or a desire for challenge, we can help. 

Of course, martial arts training is a physically demanding activity, but, at the risk of stating the obvious, we recognise and respect everyone as an individual, with their own personal strengths and weaknesses. Progress and fitness are entirely at your own pace, we’re there to encourage you, not wipe the floor with you! 

So... What does our club Offer YOU?

Hopefully a lot!!!

  • It’s good for getting / keeping fit,
  • It’s good for stimulating the old grey matter,
  • It’s great for meeting friendly like-minded people and…
  • It's a fantastic way to improve your confidence and of course, learn how to defend yourself.

To help we have created an information sheet detailing the information relating to our Friday morning class you need, to make an informed decision. 

We will send you that information only on request. 

All you need to do is fill in the form below.

Thanks for reading.

Please note that this information relates to adults only. For information on junior classes please click here.
If you'd like more information about our club and classes in Bristol and Bath, please visit our Frequently Asked Questions page

For Information about our Friday morning class please complete the enquiry form.

Don't worry — your e-mail address is totally secure.

We promise to use it only to send you the information you have requested.


For more detailed information visit our club website or read our blog


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